Tuesday, 18 September 2012


First off I study music technology at college and we're currently doing our final major project (FMP) where we have to keep an up-to-date portfolio of all the stages that we go through until we get the finished product.
The finished product has to consist of an album with various songs that all together have to add up to thirty minutes worth of recordings. 

So far we've been split up into small groups of up to four of five people and each had to come up with a record company name and logo for our group, we collectively decided on the name 'Gamma Mouse Records'. We've also been planning and discussing possible song choices and who we're going to record for our album. However, one of our group members, James was missing today so we had to work around it by listing song choices made by everyone else and at a later date this shall be further discussed with him. So far this has been fun and I can't wait to get stuck in recording and finish this project! Hopefully the outcome will be a great one! 

On a slightly different note, in college we now have a BRAND NEW STUDIO! Today in our practical session in the studio we went through how to use the new equipment such as the order the studio has to be set up in, different ways of using the desk and how to record a whole drum kit with one microphone! More details on that will be added in the next blog. 

Thanks for reading,


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